Even if a family member has divorced, it can be difficult to know what to expect when going through the process yourself. As with any life experience, misinformation can lead to misunderstandings about ending your marriage. Prepare yourself by exploring the facts...
Does a work bonus affect your child support?
All income that a person receives, whether from employment or other sources, is counted toward child support. If you expect a bonus at certain times of the year or know that your child’s other parent will be receiving a bonus, how does that affect your child support...
Keeping the house or selling it in a divorce
When a couple in New York owns a home together and makes the tough choice to get a divorce, they must add determining what to do with their home to the long list of things they need to address. Because people tend to place a high degree of emotional attachment to a...
How do you find hidden assets in a divorce?
Over the course of your marriage, you and your spouse likely accumulated wealth, property and other assets that may need to be divided should you get divorced in New York. Unfortunately, your spouse may take steps to conceal some of these assets in an attempt to keep...
Severing financial ties to your ex-spouse
It goes without saying that your divorce in Buffalo will have a dramatic impact on your future outlook (including your estate plans). Your ex-spouse likely features heavily in both your estate instruments as well as other financial aspects of your life. Many in your...
Can my ex-spouse still make financial decisions for me?
Even if your marriage is over, in a sense, it might not be completely over, not if you neglected to change your power of attorney documents. Many New York spouses designate each other to act as a power of attorney. However, just because a marriage ends does not mean...
What are some rules to follow to help your kids cope with divorce?
Divorce is incredibly difficult for children. Even if they are older and understand what is happening, it is still a disruption in their lives in New York that they cannot control. For younger children, it can be a very scary experience. As a parent, you have a huge...
The basics of co-parenting in New York
Going through a divorce can be emotionally challenging, especially with young children. No matter how much stress you may be experiencing, the changes that your children are and will be going through have the potential to be scarring. Understanding a few basic ideas...
Separate bank accounts are not divorce protection
Millennials in New York and across the nation are departing from some of the typical marriage behaviors of older generations. For example, 28 percent of married Millennial couples are keeping their finances separate instead of having joint accounts. But separate bank...
Divorce heats up in the summer
Summer and other vacation periods add stress to families in Buffalo that are already experiencing marital problems. Filings for divorce, in fact, increase in August and March, according to a study presented at the American Sociological Association in 2016. Planning...